Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rethinking the 21st Century Learner

Studying a film, like any content text, should begin by determining the purpose and audience: What is the filmmakers's purpose?  Who is she/he imagining as an audience? In tonight's class we will imagine ourselves as the audience, an audience of teachers. We'll be questioning the filmmaker's purpose, as well as their authority to speak on this topic, and then listening/ looking for "strong lines/ images" in the film's narrative that stuck with us. After viewing the film, we will share some of these lines/ images, and then pose the following question for a Discussion Web, a broadly used reading / writing springboard invented by Alvermann (234) and reviewed by Buehl, 76). Developing a discussion web requires an initial question regarding two points of view. Sometimes these debates are explicit in a text; however, in this case I have posed a question to help us unpack implicit points of view in the film:

QUESTION: Are 21st Century modes of learning / literacies cognitively challenging? 

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